MAPR Center for Educational Innovation


The first level of the MAPR will be transformed to allow art workshops, the new research room, a community art gallery and an artist residence.

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Financial contributions

Custom contribution


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1 individual has contributed

Recurring contribution


Become a backer for $5.00 per month and help us sustain our activities!

Starts at

$5 USD / month

Recurring contribution


Become a sponsor for $100.00 per month and help us sustain our activities!

Starts at

$100 USD / month

Top financial contributors


Richard Brinegar

$10 USD since Dec 2020


Let’s get the ball rolling! This is where things get planned and sometimes this is where things get done. Ask questions, thank people for their efforts, and contribute your skills to the service of the community.


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Financial contribution to MAPR Center for Educational Inn...

from Richard Brinegar12/14/2020


Today’s balance

$8.81 USD

Estimated annual budget

~ $0.00 USD

MAPR Center for Educational Innovation is all of us

Our contributors 2

Everyone who has supported MAPR Center for Educational Innovation . Individuals and organizations that believe in –and take ownership of– our purpose.

Richard Brinegar
Financial Contributor

Total contributions

$10 USD


The Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico (MAPR) is a private non-for-profit organization that operates under 501 (c)(3) tax exemption. The MAPR will open its doors the next semester to the new Center for Educational Innovation. The first level of the MAPR will be transformed to allow art workshops, the new research room, a community art gallery and an artist residence. The new Center will be focused on creative processes and research. The Center will develop programming focused on fundamental issues in education today. Your contribution makes possible the continuity of our artistic, educational and social mission. For more information, can communicate with Myrna Z. Pérez Development and Memberships Director (787) 376-4317, [email protected].